
Monday, September 10, 2018

Writing Toolbox - There is a story to tell!

Our Writing Toolbox!  It consists of Various Pictures that students select to write about.  It is also full of fun pencils, highlighters, erasers and sticky notes!
Class Writing.  We selected a picture and decided on two sentences to write. Next, we underlined each word with red crayon and highlighted every vowel.  Then we counted the words, vowels, letters and sentences.
Student example
It was a hot day!
We wrote three sentences about the picture.  We underlined 15 words, highlighted 18 vowels, drew circles around the word - was, triangles around the word - the, rectangles around the word -hot  We also put a happy face above every three letter word.
Student example
Brainstormed Adjectives
Brainstormed Verbs
Modeled example using an adjective and a verb voted on by the students
Student example
More fun with adjectives!

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