
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Where Do Animals Live Together - Just like people, animals live in different environments

Concept Development Activity
Just like people live in different environments, animals live in different environments.  People live in the country, cities and rural areas  Animal live on farms and in jungles and savannas. Animals that live on farms are domestic (they are not wild) and are taken care of by people. Animals that live in jungles and savannas are wild and must find their own food and shelter.   A jungle is an environment that is  full of shrubs, grasses, moss, plants and trees.  A savanna is an open environment with few trees and shrubs and plenty of room to move around.  Animals that live in savannas use speed to hunt their prey and require open land.

Environment Sorting Chart Organization
Farm Mat  - Slide into a Plastic Sleeve - Place the animals that live on a farm on the mat.  Option:  Use Velcro to place animals on the mats.  Place nine pieces of Velcro on the mat and one piece of Velcro on the backside of each animal picture.
Farm Animals
Jungle Mat 
Jungle Animals
Savanna Mat

Savanna Animals
Environment Sorting Chart

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