Learning Sound/Letter Patterns Made Easy - So many rules to learn - make them fun and make them memorable so that kids can apply decoding rules/skills in print! Post includes teaching materials and strategies for vowel pairs, CVC silent e and beginning and ending consonant digraph patterns. Activities can be adapted for use as learning centers, small group instruction or whole class instruction. For learning centers and small group instruction, print the individual puzzle pieces and puzzle boards on tag board. Laminate and use as a center. For whole class instruction print out puzzle pieces and puzzle board on paper for each student. Have them cut out the puzzle pieces and paste them on the puzzle board to identify each of the sound/letter patterns. Examples, resource charts, answer sheets, templates, and phonics quiz video are below.
Vowel Digraph Puzzles
Vowel Digraph Puzzles

CVC silent-e Puzzles

Consonant Digraphs - Ending and Beginning
Long Vowel Digraph Chart For Student Reference
Answer Sheet for Vowel Digraph Puzzles
Vowel Digraph Puzzle Board
CVC-Silent e (Long Vowel Pattern) Chart for Student Reference
Answer Sheet for CVC-silent e Patterns
CVC silent e Puzzle Board
Consonant Digraph Chart for Student Reference
Consonant Digraph Answer Sheet
Use as a Model Template to Introduce Activity
Puzzle Pieces for the Introduction Lesson