
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Introduction to Persuasive Writing - Theme Recycling

Introduction to Persuasive Writing -Theme Recycling
Student example - First purchase water, next (use) drink water, then make a piggy bank with the emptied water bottle.
Convince - The What, The How
 Hands-On Activity - We recycled  an empty potato chip can into a pencil storage container
Other Examples of the What and the How
First purchase the bananas, next eat a banana and then recycle the peel for compost.
First purchase cereal, next eat the cereal, then recycle the empty box.
Convince  - The Why
Student Paper
Our Class Poster.  Recycle cans and stickers in the center of our poster were purchased at the Dollar Tree.  Students decorated their portraits (template below) and placed them on our poster.
Portrait Template
Extension Activity: A recycled box turned into a bakery for our community neighborhood

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