
Sunday, October 22, 2017

When h follows c, s, t or w, the two letters together make a new sound.

When h follows c, s, t or w, the two letters together make a new sound.  Introduce /Practice digraphs with Sponge Paint Tip Applicators, pictures beginning with the digraphs: /ch/, /sh/, /th/ and /wh/, and pictures ending with the digraps: /ch/, /sh/ and /th/ (found on this post).
Pictures that begin with /ch/ and pictures that end with /ch/.  Have students write the letters - c and h using the sponge paint.  Next, have students cut out the pictures and sort them according to where they hear the /ch/ sound - the beginning or ending of the picture/word. The pictures are: cheese, chef, chips, chick, lunch, peach, inch and beach.
Repeat activity for the digraph /sh/. The pictures are shell, sheep, ship, shoe, brush, fish, dish and bush.  A student example is below.
Repeat activity for the digraph /th/.  The pictures are mouth, fourth, bath, math, think, thread, three and thunder.
Since there are no words ending in /wh/, have students sort pictures according to the pictures/words that begin with /wh/ and those that do not.  The pictures are whale, whisk, through, chalk, whistle and wheel.
Student examples


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