
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sometimes Y is a Vowel and Sometimes it's Not!

This activity was student driven- We have been looking at letters/sounds and making words. In looking at words, we discuss word length, and number of vowels and consonants in each word. When discussing vowels, I have focused on the vowels: a, e, i, o and u. At a later date, I intended to discuss y and its ability to be a vowel or a consonant depending on its location in the word.   Last week when looking at words, two students asked if the letter y is a vowel.  Thus, the  lesson below was used to introduce y (consonant or vowel) this week. 
Chart above used as a resource for student practice page.
Completed student practice page
Additional Practice - using two color crayons, students colored all vowels one color, and all consonants a second color.  Next, they counted the vowels in each word and wrote the number on each line.
Student example below -  The first number of vowels was incorrect.  After the first number all other answers were correct. 

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