
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Word Patterns

Word Patterns:  Words change by substituting the initial sound (onset) while keeping the predictable ending pattern (rime).  As children listen to the sounds in words, they begin to hear predictable sound patterns / chunks.
One Syllable Onset and Rimes Reference Chart.  Rimes begin with the vowel /a/.
Guess My Word
Fun Sentences - Find the Rimes.
One Syllable Onset and Rimes Reference Chart.  Rimes begin with the vowel /e/
Guess My Word
Fun Sentences:  Find the Rimes
One Syllable Onset and Rimes Reference Chart.  Rimes begin with the vowel /i/.

Guess My Word
Fun Sentences: Find the Rimes
One Syllable Onset and Rimes Reference Chart.  Rimes begin with the vowel /o/.
Guess My Word
Fun Sentences: Find the Rimes
One Syllable Onset and Rimes Reference Chart.  Rimes begin with the vowel /u/ and /oo/
Guess My Word
Fun Sentences: Find the Rimes

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