
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Use Emojis to Teach Growth Mindset!

Emojis are images that express emotions / feelings.  Kids have many emotions / feelings.  They love emojis which make emojis the perfect engaging tool to teach kids to think in a growth mindset.
There are many emotions / feelings that kids have: fear, awesomeness, pride, anger, excitement, happiness....... for various reasons.
A toolbox consists of skills / actions that kids can implement  to create positive emotions/feelings and to change negative emotions/feelings to positive ones.
Teaching skills / activities provide kids with  tools to make intentional positive choices.
With effective tools, kids  learn they have the power to determine how they feel.  Is this easy? No. However, with practice they can choose actions that bring about positive emotions/feelings.
Example of choosing actions to determine emotions / feelings!

Example of choosing to change current emotions/feelings to positive emotions / feelings.
An example of how to set and accomplish goals to feel awesome ......
 ....... to feel excited
 Choose to think and act differently.
View Video to See Album
Cover and First Page
Classroom Bulletin Board
Below are the album pages that kids can fill out to determine their feelings, what they did to achieve goals, or what they can choose to change a negative feeling to a positive feeling.

Choose to Be These Girls

Choose to Be These Boys

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