
Friday, February 26, 2016

Teaching Than or Then

Make learning fun! In the early grades, children learn to read the words than and then.  These words sound the same but have very different meanings and should be used as clues to help your child know what to expect. Use interesting and/or familiar pictures to teach the words than and then to children. The pictures used in this activity are from Lake Merritt in Oakland, CA.
Then is used to compare the strength of the wind to the strength of the base of the tree
Then is used to sequence the order of events - tree standing, windstorm brings tree down
Then is used to compare the size of the pelican to the size of the duck

Then is used to sequence the order of events - the duck is standing alone, the duck is standing with a pigeon
Than or Then Reference Chart
Activity - Comparison or Sequence

Activity = Cloze Activity
Video - Than or Then?

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