
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

8 Parts of Speech - A Quick Reference for Parents During School Closures

All of the words we use fit into eight groups that make up the parts of speech.  This is a Quick Reference for parents during school closures.  The groups are: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Mitigate lost learning time during school closures - Preparing your kids...

Y is a tricky letter for kids.  Y can be a vowel or y can be a  consonant.  Further confusing kids, y makes different sounds depending on its position in a word.  Once you teach kids these rules it will be much easier for them to decode and read words spelled with y(s)

Templates For Activities

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How to teach kids plurals - When to add s, es or ies. Easy rules & fun ...

Adding s is the most common ending used to form plural words:  cats, kids, pets, books, pictures, shells.  Add es when words end in s, ss, sh, f  ch, tch and x: buses classes, dishes, lunches, patches, boxes.  Add ies when words end in a consonant  followed by a y.  Before adding ies drop the y: cities, cherries, families, stories, parties, babies.  Video involves interactive activities, games and fill in the blanks.  Link for templates: