
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Pizza created fractions by the students and story problems

Pizza created fractions by the students
Student Story Problem Sample
To make the fractions, two circles of the same size are needed,  One drawn on white foam board with each piece cut, decorated by a student, and placed on  the brown circle (2nd circle) to make a whole pizza. 

Pizza slices were decorated using crayons, markers and construction paper.
When all of the  slices are put together on the brown circle they make a whole pizza 8/8.
Next, we solved word problems determining what fraction of the pizza was eaten and what fraction of the pizza  was left.  Since each student has made a slice of pizza, students can name whose slices were eaten and have them remove their slices from the brown circle.
Printable Student Practice Pages



Thursday, January 24, 2019

Here She Comes Again....The Old Lady

Here She Comes Again.... The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose
Sequencing Organizer

Student Example
Sequencing Cards
cut, paste and place in the correct order on the sequencing organizer
Student Example - The First picture consists of all the things she will swallow - then it begins with the rose
Crossword Puzzle For Students to Complete
Math Problems
Have students use number line to solve problems

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Teach/Review Even Numbers, Odd Numbers, Double Numbers and Using a Number Line

Teach/Review Even Numbers, Odd Numbers, Double  Numbers and Using a Number Line
Even Numbers can be divided by 2 to make 2 equal whole parts.
Reference Chart
Reminders:  When a number is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 it is an even number.  When a number ends in 0, 2,4, 6, 8 it is an even number
Student Practice Page
Have students circle the numbers that are even.
All Double Addition Totals are Even. Their Totals End in a 0,2,4,6 or 8.
Reminders:  When a number is 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 it is an odd number.  When a number ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 it is an odd number.
Student Practice Page
Have students circle  the  numbers that  are odd
Number Sorting Board
Cut and Paste numbers on the sorting board
Practice Page to Complete for Students
Even and Odd Number Video

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Wish Is For.........

Happy   Hearts

 Good Friends

Healthy Families

Safe Places to Live

Safe Places to Learn

A Clean Environment

Toys, Games and Fun


Extend the Project with a Photo Journal  - Nature Finds

                   Colors Makes the World ........ 



Extend the Project with a Photo Journal  - Nature Find!
What is Happening?
Our Prediction follows.......
 Student Template

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Writing and Sequencing Activities Inspired by Pancakes Pancakes by Eric Carle

Writing and Sequencing Activities Inspired by Pancakes Pancakes by Eric Carle

Example to Discuss With Students Before Students Complete Their Own Papers  (3 papers)
First Modeled Example
Students' First Page
Second Modeled Example
Students' Second Page - Each student determines what type of pancake toppings they want on their pancakes.

Third Modeled Example
Students complete their own pictures of  themselves eating the pancakes with the toppings of their choice (needs to match with previous picture).
Sequencing Events