
Sometimes Y is a Consonant and Sometimes Y is a Vowel

Sometimes Y is a Consonant and Sometimes Y is a Vowel!
 After viewing the video have students fill out the sorting board below
Sorting Cards
Sorting Board
Slideshow For Students


Sunday, November 18, 2018

igh - three letters that make long /i/ sound

The three letters -igh, make the long /i/ sound
in words: high (four letters, two sounds), night, lights, right, bright, sight, slight, flashlight, flight and height.  
Say hello to our friend i!
Our friend i is here to help us read /igh/ words
/igh/ Words and Words Segmented

 Printable Student Practice Page
Student Example

igh craft
igh craft
Segmented Words

Monday, November 12, 2018

Sound Patterns: /ew/, /ick/, and /ow/ activity and videos

Sorting Board Words
/ew/ Sound Pattern
/ick/ Sound Pattern
/ow/ Sound Pattern
Sorting Board Words
Sorting Board
Sound Pattern Videos


Saturday, November 3, 2018

November Learning

November Learning
Color Coded Words 
Writing Activity

Class Generated Story
Student Example
Sorting Activity according to beginning blend/diagraph
Student Example
Number Bonds to 10
Number Bonds to 15
Number Bonds to 20
Happy Turkey Day!