
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Introducing the Verb- To Be (am) using positive adjectives

Introducing the Verb- To Be (am).  This is a common verb but one that is often hard to use.  I introduce the verb, am, to students using positive adjectives.  Building on positive adjectives, I have students use the sorting paper to list adjectives about themselves.  Next, I have them build sentences using the pronoun (I), the verb (am) and three are more adjectives that they listed about themselves.
A second poster
Sorting Paper for Students to Complete.  Blank sorting paper available at the end of this post.
Second student example
Students build sentences using their sorting papers.
Second student example
Sorting Paper Template
Writing Paper Template

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Main Idea, Adjectives, Verbs and the 5 Senses!

First Activity is to brainstorm adjectives for sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.  Next, read a passage (provided) or create a class passage using several of the adjectives brainstormed. Finally, have students highlight the main idea, circle the adjectives and underline the verbs in each passage. Examples included describe apples, cookies and tacos! Yum!
Chart to brainstorm adjectives about apples.
Completed example of brainstormed adjectives describing apples
Passage created using brainstormed adjectives
Directions for Passage
Completed Passage
Pages to complete for chocolate chip cookies

Pages for Tacos
Clip Art for Class Chart

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Comprehension - Compare and Contrast Activity

Compare and Contrast Activity (cats and whales)
We began with listing facts and opinions about cats and then whales
Using the facts, we determined differences and siimilarities between cats and whales
student example
Clip Art for Large Chart

Clue words to help students determine differences and similarities when reading.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Making Sentences: nouns, verbs and adjectives

 We brainstormed 30 nouns, 35 verbs and 35 adjectives to make sentences.
First, we outlined the number 100.  Next, children filled in the background using green
Do-A-Dot Art Paint. Then, we brainstormed a list of words for each category: nouns, verbs and adjectives. Once the list was brainstormed, I completed and reviewed with students how the words we brainstormed can make sentence.
Next, I provided a template and an illustration to use brainstormed words to make sentences.
 Student Example
Blank Template
Fun Activities to Reinforce Lesson