
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Onset and Rime White Board and Reference Charts! Kids love these!

Change initial sound/letters to make different words: ball, mall, tall, wall, call and small.
All charts displayed in this post have student practice pages and pictures to go with the words. View more charts with pictures for students who need additional support!
 Change c to b to h to r to m to b and then fl.  Introduce homophones with bat and bat.
 Rime: /ap/
Rime: /an/
Student practice pages: all, at, ap, an
Pictures to use with charts:

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Adding letters to make new words

Begin with letters /ap/ and add letters to make different words

Printables to use for the above examples

Adjectives - Describing Words of Jeremy Scarecrow

Learning Adjectives with Jeremy Scarecrow.  Jeremy Scarecrow is a $1.00 find from the Dollar Store
Brainstormed Adjective List:  We decided that Jeremy is a cute, happy, friendly colorful scarecrow. We also decided that Jeremy is an adorable, uncommon and awesome scarecrow. We called Jeremy uncommon because unlike other scarecrows he doesn't scare crows away.  He is friendly, not scary!
                              Students then complete their own adjective paper.
Student Sample
A modeled writing and a student sample (cloze activity)

 Interactive Writing and Reading.  The pen is shared between teacher and students in writing the story on the white board.  Students then take turns reading the story.  Since we couldn't find the pointer, students used the ruler as a pointer when reading each word of the story.
Student sample - we need to work on the word orange.
More with Adjectives Video

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I Can Read mini books and activities for First Grade

I Can Read mini books kids love!  All activities in post support reading at words, all words and sight words.  Mini book printables are below.  The pages fit on one sheet of paper.  With two simple folds, kids have a mini book they can read to take home!
Series of activities to teach /at/ words
Printable Book
Students add the initial sound-letter for bat, hat, rat, mat, bat, flat
This activity is all oral.  It is read aloud and children listen to the sounds of the words to form the new word (phonological awareness)
Series of activities to teach /all/ words
Printable Book
Students add the initial sound-letter  for mall, tall, wall, call, small and fall
This activity is all oral.  It is read aloud and children listen to the sounds of the words to form the new word (phonological awareness)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Interactive Letter Work- 5 Day Activity Planner

Day One - We began our interactive word notebook with initial (beginning) sounds and ending sounds.  A printable for each activity is included in this post.
Students write the letter representing the beginning sound for each picture.  Then they write the letter representing the ending sound for each picture.
Day Two: Reinforcing initial and ending sound - letter correspondences for each picture (word).
I explain to the children that the line between the initial and ending sounds represent other letters that make the word.  I also explain that the lines that are shorter represent less letters.
Day Three:  Using the same shapes, I focus on onset and rime: ar, art, oon, un.  I explain to the children that the line in front of each word reminds them that an initial letter or letters are needed to complete each word.  Children then need  to cut out the rhyming pictures to determine which shape to place them under (same rime).  The rhyming words are: run, cart, spoon, moon, cart, smart, bun and jar.  Before cutting, review pictures with children to ensure they know what the pictures are.
Below is a completed student example.  The pictures that have the same rime are placed under the correct picture - Under the picture of the star with the rime ar, the student placed the jar and the car.
Day 4: Interactive Venn Diagram to determine word patterns.  This was a carpet activity.  I placed two hula-hoops on the carpet forming a Venn diagram.  I placed seven index cards with words above the  hula-hoops.   Students took turns placing cards.  If a card was placed in an area that wasn't the pattern, I would say that the word doesn't fit and it would be placed back above the hula-hoops.  The students did figure out the patterns.  The left side consisted of words that began with the letter s.  The right side consisted of words than ended with the letters un.  The word in the center consisted of both characteristics:  it begins with an s and ends with un.
Second Interactive Venn Diagram to determine word patterns.
Day 5: Using Interactive  Word Notebooks, children practicde the activities from day four. Onset (s), Rime (un)
Onset (st) Rime (ar)